
Wireless network ready for large deployments

embeNET has features that distinguish it from other communication standards. We provide a flexible and greatly scalable solution that is ready to be deployed in applications requiring reliability and performance. Your devices can communicate using industry-standard IPv6 networking adapted to challenging environments, where competitive solutions often fail. Our networking stack integrates a proven and effective Time-Slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH) technique with built in management and firmware update services.

System overview

embeNET Node library

Networking stack for deeply embedded devices

6TiSCH-compatible embeddable wireless communication stack for low-cost microcontrollers. Provides reliable IPv6 mesh networking for large scale installations (1000+ nodes) with advanced routing and scalability features. Supports IPv6 and UDP with built-in security mechanisms and firmware update capabilities.
Available as a portable C/C++ library for ARM Cortex MCUs.

embeNET Border Router software

Software running on gateway devices

Border router software that manages the embeNET network and connects it to the LAN or to the Internet. It allows remote configuration, management and maintenance of networked nodes as well as automated firmware updates. Runs on embedded Linux/Windows devices as well as selected microcontrollers.
Available as a Linux/Windows service or C/C++ library for FreeRTOS-enabled MCUs.

embeNET Portal

Web application

Web application for remote management of the embeNET networks. Allows to visualize network connections and key network metrics, configure network settings and schedule maintenance tasks, such as remote firmware update of nodes.

How it works

Automatic connectivity

In order to run an embeNET network you need a border router device running the embeNET router software. Then just by running the embeNET networking stack on a compatible, radio-enabled device, this device already starts to participate in wireless network communication. The embedded embeNET software is responsible for synchronizing the nodes, maintaining connectivity and fixing potential communication problems.

Your data in the network

Based on the embeNET networking stack C API you write your own application and middleware that sends and receives your application-related UDP packets. The stack takes care of delivering your data to other nodes in the network or to a border router.

Your networks in the Internet

Thanks to the native Internet protocols used, it is very easy to allow the nodes from various embeNET-enabled networks to communicate with cloud based services, SCADAs and other on-line servers.

Manage your networks

You can easily administer, diagnose and visualize all your networks connected to the Internet by using our dedicated embeNET web platform. In addition it allows you to remotely update the firmware – including your application – in all connected devices.

Your benefits

  • Low cost per unit
  • Multiband capable (2.4GHz and sub-GHz)
  • Easy Internet connectivity
  • Socket communication paradigm
  • Low-power wireless mesh networking
  • Automated remote firmware update
  • Easy Internet connectivity
  • Integrated security mechanisms
  • Scalability
  • Management tools provided out of the box
  • IPv6 networking
  • Future-proof and 5G ready solution

We can make your deployment easier

We offer our help in project definition, choosing appropriate RF solutions or integrating embeNET with your existing products. Our solution works well on a wide range of RF transceivers and we have expertise in helping you select the best one for your needs.

We can also prototype, integrate or even write the application firmware for you as an additional service. We also help in the certification process and can offer additional pre-compliance testing of your devices.