Wireless network

Big wireless network, big problems

Today the number of devices connecting to wireless networks is skyrocketing. This wireless revolution has brought incredible convenience and flexibility, but it also ushers in a set of unique challenges. Imagine your Wi-Fi network as a busy highway during rush hour, and every device vying for bandwidth as a vehicle in the midst of traffic.…

Smart City

IoT in Smart Cities

Modern technologies have a very important advantage – they are intertwined. Today, with the help of the internet, you can connect many objects that may seem completely unrelated. Pairing a lighting system with cameras so that individual lamps can be activated based on the image transmitted from an analytical camera? No problem, the right application…

Smart City

Power of IoT – what is behind it?

The Internet is now present in virtually every aspect of life. It enables communication among tens or even hundreds of devices simultaneously. This technological concept is called IoT – the Internet of Things. While IoT is a very popular term, its significance may not necessarily be entirely clear to everyone. Therefore, we will try to…

The Core of Wireless Communication – RF Engineering

In today’s globalized world, where wireless communication plays a pivotal role, one of the most crucial skills the technology companies seek is RF engineering. This field deals with radio waves, and it is thanks to RF engineering that we can enjoy a wide spectrum of wireless technologies, ranging from smartphones to IoT systems, and cutting-edge…

What is Smart Lighting?

Smart Lighiting – what is it?

We already have smart cars, smart household appliances, and smart security systems. Everything that’s smart is meant to make our lives easier and streamline processes that used to save time and money. So it’s no wonder that Smart Lighting has also emerged over time. As it turns out, this innovation saves a lot of tedious…